Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Jay tagged me but I think that it is only because he wants to find out if I will change the name of my blog from "mostly blank" to "somewhat blank with the addition of even more content. Here it goes:

1. Three things I love:

When my wife finds a great deal on clothes or shoes for herself
A&E's production of "Pride and Prejudice"
Getting teased for being different

2. Three things I miss:

The weather in my hometown of Eureka, CA
Pulling green chain at the lumber mill and cleaning carpets for Chem-Dry
Getting a tax return

3. Three people who make me laugh:

Dwight Shrute
Ogden Nash
My children

4. Three things that scare me:

My wife dying or leaving me
Losing a child and being partially responsible
George W. Bush and Dick Cheney

5. Three things on my desk:

A pencil holder made by my son out of a soup can and pasta shells
Layers of Carl Hatch's sweat
A Diet Mountain Dew

6. Three things I want to do in life:

Climb Mt. Rainier
Pick up each of my children from their missions

7. Three things that I can do:

Coach T-ball
Sue people

8. Three things I can't do:

Keep my mouth shut
Avoid half-off, day-old donuts

9. Three things I would like to learn:


10. Three things I regret:

Hurting people's feelings
Missing stuff with my kids
Arguing with my wife

11. Three of my favorite foods:

Gluten filled chocolate chip cookies
Wheat thins
Salad only when I feel like it

12. Three of my favorite shows as a kid:

Night Rider
Air Wolf

Well there it is. I will tag no one because I have to go and I need to keep this blog "mostly blank."


Anonymous said...

Do lawyers sweat? Why?

Anonymous said...

Or maybe how?

Emily said...

Hee hee.

Jay said...

Awesome! I'm so glad I tagged you.

Your blog is now officially no longer "mostly blank". I mean, you even have multiple comments!

As for your list - I appreciate the food items. So kind.

Jen Childers said...

Great list honey!

Lucy said...

Funny stuff Christopher. I'm glad Jay tagged you too. I would never have been so brave going after the "mostly blank" guy.

donna said...

Great list :)Yes
YES lawyers sweat, Did you watch the OJ trial?????????? HELLO!

Chris said...

I learned so much about you Christopher. I'm glad you decided to make it a somewhat blank blog. Traci